Monday 12 September 2016

Ageism. The struggle is real.

I am 23 years old and may feel and act like an 18 or even 16 year old from time to time.

However when I am with clients and colleagues I act professionally and respect everyone for their ability and not their age. I know that an accountant transferring into PR will struggle with writing and need to start from the bottom (as though they are a graduate). I know that a marketing graduate is going to know how to pull a strategy document together better than someone who has worked in journalism for 15 years. I know that someone with an English degree is a better writer than someone with a degree in Marketing.

I know all of these things and so like I said I judge a person on their abilities not their appearance or age.

As a young 23 year old girl working her way up in the PR and marketing industry I never once thought I would be held back by my age. I never thought I'd be patronised because I look so young. But I am.

It's so strange to think that the fact I look 20-23 (being modest here of course) affects the way clients look at me and my work.

If my boss makes a spelling error in his emails, well, that's just fine, he's the boss. If even my senior makes a spelling error, well, it was an easy mistake to make. But me? No I have to be the most maticulous speller, I have to take up time checking over every emails for typos because I am young, a junior if you will.

It doesn't seem to matter that I am experienced, well trained in my industry's methods, street smart, comfortable with client facing and interviewing - of course not.

What matters is my age. I'm young and if I'm ever down or actually say something negative to a client to manage their expectations well, I'm young. What do I know? Surely the boss knows better, he's older and more experienced right? Perhaps, but when I've already consulted him because I'm smart enough to do that, you're going to get the same answer I'm afraid.

It's insulting to be told that my client is 'concerned' about my 'negative attitude' because I'm so young.

It's insulting to be called 'young lady' and hear clients say they have some 'little jobs' that I can do.

It's insulting when I'm told a piece of work was a real 'learning curve' for me because evidently I knew nothing before...

It's insulting to have my opinions dismissed on a matter only to them be proved right when someone a few years older than me is asked for theirs..

Ageism in every industry is very real. It exists and is ignored.

I never thought it would bother me. But it does.

My talents are over looked. My degree forgotten. My opinions dismissed. My every move and typo monitored. My attitude charted.

Even though I understand it - it doesn't make it right, right?

I demand respect based on my experience, skill set and abilities please. Not my youthful language, my lack of wrinkles or my style of clothing.

Thank you one and all!

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