Tuesday 12 January 2016


There are various definitions for various different people on what constitutes a 'bad day'. I've always thought there was just one, that something bad happens. But not even.

Some people think a bad day is a day where something goes wrong at work and you get a bollocking off you boss.

Some people think a bad day is a day where your hair is a mess and you break at least two nails in the space of those dreaded 24 hours.

Some people even think a bad day is just when you really don't want to deal with reality and nothing bad actually happens to you.

Then, there is me.

Today was my bad day.

I woke up actually feeling quite ready to face the day head on. It may have only been a typical Tuesday but my little red head was ready to take on the world. I skipped merrily down the stairs to make a brew and microwave myself a cherry and dark chocolate croissant (if that doesn't get you off to a good start, I don't know what will). Open the plastic tray, remove croissant, place onto plate, place plastic tray into microwave, close door, turn to 10 seconds, star....WAIT. Back up. Good job I didn't press start... This was the moment I realised what kind of day I was going to have.

I go to work, nothing unusual happens, I thank God I didn't miss my bus as I do every day. I nearly fall asleep on the bus but still remember to get off (yes I nearly didn't get off once, good job the bus was sitting at my bus stop for a short while...). Everything was okay so far. My heart dropped when I thought I had left my bank card at home thus rendering myself Gregg's-Mocha-and-doughnut-less, but I found it in the end.

My day seemed to be salvaging itself and I convinced myself it might actually go well.

So I decided to make everyone a brew. Before I know it I am crouched in front of the fridge trying to work out why the kettle won't fit in the fridge, I then realise that kettles don't go in fridges. Explanation... I'm a grade A fool (well, I just zoned out and thought I was holding the milk but who tries to put a kettle in a fridge?!). This was the point I realised it was time to bury myself in work and not do any ordinary tasks that meant I could zone out and end up with boiling hot kettles trying to be shoved onto tiny fridge shelves with the milk and grapes.

I did this, until... I riskily made another brew, and so happy it went well, I cracked open a packet of my favourite crisps (salt and vinegar Squares boys). I tuck in. I'm working, drinking my tea, eating my crisps, life's good ...until you realise you have a curse called butterfingers and BOOM, crisp in your tea. There was no salvaging this beautiful brew and this was the moment I realised I needed to go home.

My utter stupidness made me feel so terrible that I got stressed over tiny work things that didn't matter, my period didn't help!, and I gave in to the 'bad day' by cancelling my driving lesson. Because lets be honest, I on this day, would not be safe in a car and neither would all of you.

I ended my day in a lashing of rain without an umbrella because I am currently donating them to the bus service I use.

Now I am home, knowing these three things:

A. I am dangerous when on my period
2: I am dangerous when not on my period, let's be honest.
iii: I am alone and kiss-less on Kiss a Ginger Day! (Yes, I am ginger).

Now let's vote, was this or was this not a BAD DAY?!

P.S. I am laughing about my day so please don't worry too much about my feelings (though donations of salt and vinegar Squares are welcome).

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